Holiday Party Themes

Looking for fresh new ideas on how to host your next Holiday party?! Whether it be with your close group of friends, co-workers, or family, these ideas will be sure to impress!

“Blended” Christmas. Ever heard of Blenders sunglasses? Everyone brings a pair of these affordable, hot shades wrapped in festive paper for a gift swap. There really is not one bad lookin’ pair and everybody goes home happy. Don’t forget a group photo of everyone sporting their new shades.

SNL Christmas. Dress up as your favorite SNL character or skit. Don’t forget the schweddy balls and mouthwatering cocktails.

Ugly Sweater. Dig out your ugliest, oldest, funniest sweater for this classic, but one of the best Christmas themes!

PJ Party. Wear your favorite Holiday jammies! Enjoy tasty treats and festive cocktails, while keeping cozy and warm.

Cheesy Mug Swap. Bring your “not so favorite” mug all wrapped up, along with you favorite Holiday drink ingredients.

Tinsel and ‘Tinis. Bring your favorite holiday-themed martini. Eggnog, candy cane, or Santa Spice? Here are a few fun recipes from Town and Country Magazine to get your started!

Christmas Carol-oke. A karaoke party with a holiday twist! Crank up the “Santa Baby” and sing your heart out.

Christmas Minute-To-Win-It. Ho-ho-ho minute-to-win-it games. Divide your guests into teams of eight, and enjoy fun competition.

Need an invite for your festive party? Shop here!


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